美国中国传说学者琼·帕克最近在中国图书馆工作。 当她嘲笑Kamasutra时,她的性幻想被释放出来,但她对其同事的图书管理员的进步依然冷淡。 似乎与她在回家路上经过的闹鬼的房子有关,而这个陌生的人一直在上面的一个禁止窗口看着她。 在不知不觉中,她陷入了Kamasutra邪教组织的魔掌中,并通过一系列试验和狂欢发现了她的性行为......以及她作为不幸恋人轮回的真实本性。
Joan Parker, an American scholar of Chinese lore, recently took on a job at a Chinese library. When she stumbles upon a volume of the Kamasutra, her sexual fantasies are unleashed, but she remains cold towards the advances of her fellow librarian. There seems to be a connection to a haunted house she passes by on her way home, and the strange man keeps watching her from a barred window above. Unknowingly, she stumbles into the clutches of the Kamasutra cult, and through a series of trials and orgies discovers her sexuality...and her true nature as a reincarnation of an unhappy lover.