阿根廷同性题材影片,网友评:一个阿根廷演员在纽约。非常好的生活流电影,充满白色谎言和情感暗流。仅仅因为使用了西班牙语对白,纽约就像被替换了时空,熟悉中透露着陌生感。导演惯于用细节传达海量信息,性取向的标签不知不觉就被撕掉了,正如片名所说——如何在无人注视下生活... NADIE NOS MIRA is a film about the struggle of self-imposed exile; how the pleasures of anonymity and freedom contrast with the pain of loneliness and loss that shapes immigrant experience. NICO, mid 30"s, is a young Argentine actor fighting to build a career in the US, without assistance, or connections, never too far from heart-breaking failure, but often blinded by the mirag...