雷德皮尔从一个墨西哥修道院出发,翻山越岭,来找臭名昭著的歹徒鲍勃麦格克报仇,麦格克致他父亲重伤将死。然后,在皮尔与这位不可战胜的枪手遭遇之前,自己却被一群歹徒绑架。皮尔没有反抗,而是加入了他们的队伍,开始疯狂的劫掠。他和麦格克的终极遭遇终于开始了,皮尔发誓不惜一切代价匡扶正义。Nowhere in the vast spread of the desert has there ever been a greater legend told than the bloody fued between Red Pierre and the phantom gunfighter, Bob McGurk. Red Pierre has traveled through the mountains from a Mexican monastery to avenge his dying father, who was fatally wounded by the infamous outlaw Bob McGurk. But before Pierre can have a showdown with this invincible gunman, a gang of bandits captures him. Instead of fighting them, he decides to join forces and rides on with the wild marauders. The final face-off with McGurk has been a long time coming, and Red Pierre will stop at nothing to see that justice is served.