克莱因小姐经营一所寄宿学校。 女学生们用氯仿作为偷窥狂,把两名水管工锁在宿舍里,为猎场看守人脱光衣服,还戏弄她们的体育老师。 老师在全班同学面前与体育老师示范性爱姿势,表现得得意忘形。 克斯汀将假阳具固定在自行车座椅上,让他们在树林里骑自行车变得性感起来。 当踩踏板时,它们会上下移动。
Miss Klein runs a boarding-school. The schoolgirls chloroform a peeping Tom, lock two plumbers in the dormitories, strip for a gamekeeper and tease their sports teacher. The teacher gets carried away in front of the class while giving a demonstartion of sexual positions with the gym teacher. Kerstin gives a sexy turn to their biking through the woods by attaching dildos to their bicycle seats. These move up and down as they pedal.