俗话说家是一个人的起点,我们逃离家庭,尔后又回归其怀抱。」 拥有近20人的巨大家族齐聚到小岛上,为了庆祝爷爷奶奶的50周年金婚!在美丽的小岛上大家狂欢打闹、高歌,如同童年时无忧无虑相处。 然而正当派对过后大家要各自回家之际,一场突如其来的风浪打乱了所有船隻班次,所有人被迫受困在小岛上,久未长时间相处的大家,突然间得挤在同个屋簷下共度两天两夜。 当怀孕的妻子遇上前妻、青梅竹马在分隔多年后再次碰头,所有兄弟姐妹表哥表姊长年来的回忆与不堪,让屋子裡的暗潮汹涌即将大过海上的风浪。
A big family that like any other one includes relatives that see each other often and others that rarely meet, reunite to celebrate the 50th wedding anniversary of grandma Alba and grandpa Pietro in a big Villa, on the island they moved to. Because of weather conditions they all remain stranded on the island and the idyll between them seems to be over.